Origin and Rationale
Originally, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has its positive intention to honor H.M. The King on his sufficiency economy and its application for Thailand through the report publication on Human Development in Thailand at the beginning of 2007, on “Sufficiency Economy and Human Development” released on January 9th, 2007 on the 60th Anniversary of the Reign. This ceremony of honor was carried with neither the political intention, nor the referral to any Thai government, but unfortunately the Economist, the leading international publication claimed that the work was the re-branding of Thaksin’s product, or the Thaksinomics approach. The Economist stated that Sufficiency Economy was the stolen project from Thaksin, the exiled prime minister, and that this project had been devised to discredit the previous government. Another words, the Economist misleadingly intended to pin point that UNDP has been used to damage the credibility of the Thaksin government. Such statement was utterly and shamefully unsubstantiated.
The above has revealed that the fundamental obstacle against the Sufficiency Economy implementation is the “Economic Globalization”, in which only provides the benefit for the large, international capital groups. On the contrary, the Sufficiency Economy has its basic approach to develop the country step-by-step, and to allow the benefit to be shared among the major population. It has no intention to confront directly with the Economic Globalization, but instead it aims to build the self-immunity among the majority of citizens, so their livelihood foundation would remain steady in spite of the effects from Globalization. Therefore, it is inevitable that the Sufficiency Economy has its impact on those capitalists who could lose on their vested interests, and Globalization would aim to generate any misleading facts, or to attempt to destroy the sufficiency approach, in order for these capitalists to live on. The Thaksin government was widely supported and backed up by the international capital groups, because it loudly collaborated and shared the benefit within the Economic Globalization sphere.
Therefore in order to mobilize Thailand on the sufficiency model and develop step-by-step, and to reduce the all the gaps including the economic situation, social situation, education, politics, and technology, it is necessary to establish the international understanding and networking along with some efficient strategic measures.
1. To promote the sufficiency philosophy among most countries via the national- scale cooperation. 2. To establish the positive understanding between Thailand and other nations, especially with those countries that share the similar approach to the Sufficiency Economy.
The operation would involve the study and the exchange between the sufficiency concept and the other similar concepts such as Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, Sarvodaya System of Sri Lanka, Gandhian Economics, and Economics of Happiness of Bhutan, Isamic Economics of Malaysia and Indonesia, Solidarity Economy of Latin America, Green Economics of Europe, Humanistic Economics of Schumacher with the network in England and worldwide. All the concepts would be then compared with the Sufficiency Economy, in order to share the common understanding while later, the international networking should also be established. The tasks should take no longer than 180 days.
Projected Results
Report on International Collaboration Network which shall mention all the alternative economics that are currently applied in other countries, and the way to implement with the Sufficiency Economy in Thailand through cooperation.
Expected Benefits
1. Create the knowledge and awareness on the Sufficiency Economy among the international and social-globe V.I.P. 2. Generate the international understanding among other countries to reduce the negative impact from the Economic Globalization towards the Sufficiency Economy. 3. Generate the collaboration in the academic level, and build the opportunities for the sufficiency philosophy to be promoted among different countries, according to the geographic and social positioning. |